What is Reiki?
Reiki is the flooding of the body and aura with pure life force energy to release stagnant, repressed or unexpressed energy that is stuck in the body. This brings the body back to a harmonious state.
Life force energy is found in all of us and everything around us. It is created by our body systems doing their thing and expelling energy as they do so.
This life force energy responds to everything we think, say, feel and experience and it becomes blocked or disrupted whenever we consciously or unconsciously accept and absorb and absorb negative words, thoughts, feelings or experiences.
As a reiki practitioner I have been attuned to tap into pure life force energy making me a conduit for this energy transfer or flooding to release the stuck energy and replace it with fresh energy. The beauty of this Reiki or Life force energy is in its simplicity, just allowing it to flow, it has its own intelligence and intuitively knows where it needs to in the body.
How many sessions will I need?
It really depends on your current health circumstances and goals.
Allowing least a week in between each of your Reiki realignments creates space for you to consciously and subconsciously process the treatment. Reiki continues to work after your time with me.
Benefit is usually felt after your first session- however ‘benefit’ is different to “healing” we have a tendency to go back to that which is familiar and our energy needs a reminder and support of the place of unified energy that Reiki brings.
3-6 Reiki alignments one to two weeks apart is ideal when treating a specific condition.
1-2 Reiki alignments per week in the presence of a serious health challenge.
1 x every 5 weeks is perfect for self care and wholistic maintenance.
Reiki is cumulative so it can be beneficial to receive a series of sessions to help get more lasting results.
Reiki works in harmony with all other forms of healing including drugs, surgery, psychological care, physio, chiro, oesteo etc as it re-establishes the power within the body to heal itself.